Directions to the trailhead: Take Highway 101 north and take the San Marin Drive exit. Go west on San Marin Drive. Turn right on San Andreas Drive. The entrance to the Open Space will be on your right. If you come to the dead end of San Andreas you've only gone about half a block too far. No lot but plenty of curbside parking. 30 minutes from College of Marin. No restrooms on this hike. (Carpoolers can meet at the Mission Street, San Rafael, Park & Ride lot around 9:05 am, or at the Smith Ranch Park & Ride lot around 9:15 am).
Weather forecast: As of Saturday, April, the National Weather Service forecast for the day of the hike was Mostly sunny, with a high near 63. . (Click here for an updated forecast).
More on this hike: Hike "E13 Old Quarry Trail to Mt. Burdell" in the Martin's book, Hiking Marin, shows the general area that we'll be hiking in, although we'll probably turn left at intersection #2 and head directly to Hidden Lake rather than climb all of the way to the summit of the mountain as shown on the Martin's map. You can find a trail map and species list on the Marin County Open Space District's Web site for the Mount Burdell preserve. The Google Earth image below shows where we'll be hiking. (Click on the photo to open a larger image in your Web browser).
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