Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What We Saw on The Dogtown to Five Brooks Hike (August 26)

Here's the list of plants, birds, and bugs spotted on our hike "downhill" from Dogtown to Five Brooks on the Olema Valley trail:



Purple: giant coastal hedge nettle

Orange: poppies, Crocosmia (not native)


Satyr comma (aka satyr anglewings, host plant stinging nettles), buckeye (not netted, one host plant is English plantain), California ringlets, Mylitta crescents (host plant thistles, not netted)


Bay trees have bay nuts, BOX ELDER (aka ashleaf maple) which is common in the eastern half of the US from Texas to Canada, hazel with catkins, red alder (same family at birch, different genus), English hawthorn with berries


Native blackberry, Armenian blackberry, stinging nettles, horsetails, huckleberries, thimbleberry leaves (no berries), blue elderberry


Chain, lady, bracken


Condominium spiders (aka labyrinth spiders), one with Multi-color Asian Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) in web


Heard: wrentit, osprey

Saw: winter wren, scrub jays, CA quail, chestnut-back chickadee, song sparrow (only seen by Karen)

(Click here if you want to view and print a copy of this list. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer you can print the document. Once you see the document on the "Scribd" Web site, click on the "Download" icon and then on the "PDF" icon to open the document on your computer).

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