Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bay Model Visitor Center will Host National Get Outdoors Day June 13

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Bay Model Visitor Center will host a FREE waterfront event from 12-3pm on Saturday, June 13, 2009, as part of the second annual National Get Outdoors
Day (GO Day), campaign to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. Prime goals of the day are reaching first time visitors to public lands and reconnecting our youth to the great outdoors. (Click here to view and print a larger version of the poster at the left).

This GO Day event will offer a mix of information centers and naturalist-guided activities – opportunities for participants to explore marine life, discover birds of the bay, learn about water safety, explore careers in the outdoors, and get connected with summertime adventures at local parks and nature centers. Special guests include rangers and naturalists from nearby national parks and recreation areas.

In addition to the GO Day event on June 13, participants will be invited to nearby follow-up activities called EChO events, which include specific opportunities to hike with rangers, sail on the bay, and participate in the Great American Backyard Campout.

GO Day is an outgrowth of the Get Outdoors USA! campaign, which encourages Americans, especially our youth, to seek out healthy, active outdoor lives and embrace our parks, forests, refuges and other public lands and waters.

Top 3 Reasons for National Get Outdoors Day:

1. A smaller and smaller portion of the nation is deriving physical, mental and spiritual benefits from recreation on public lands, and use is especially low for America’s poor, our urban dwellers, and minority Americans.

2. Today’s kids are less connected to the outdoors than any previous generation. 6.5 hours a day spent watching screens. Six times more likely to play a computer game than ride a bike. Four times more likely to be obese than previous generations.

3. The future of America's public lands will be determined by the extent to which Americans care about the Great Outdoors. If fewer people directly benefit from time outdoors, the prognosis is not good.

The pilot effort of National Get Outdoors Day was launched on June 14, 2008. Last year, over 50 official GO Day sites across the nation welcomed thousands of new faces to the joy and benefits of the great outdoors.

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