Tuesday, May 4, 2010

“One Stop Shopping” For Outdoor Recreation

While we were having lunch below Hill 88 in the GGNRA today, Dick Jordan checked his e-mail (nothing like having an iPhone and a strong signal on the trail) during lunch and learned the following from the California State Parks Department:
“No matter where you are.  No matter what kind of outdoor recreation area you are looking for, you can find it on this site within a few clicks and a few minutes, period.  No one has ever provided this much in a one-stop shopping package, not ever.
Computer With Man with Question MarkCalifornia State Parks and the GreenInfo Network are announcing a web portal that makes it dramatically easier for the public to search for any kind of open-space and recreational lands in the Golden State.  No matter where you happen to be and no matter what other part of the state you want to search, this new web site shows you everything from federal wilderness areas to neighborhood tot lots.”

(Dick will be attending a presentation on this new Website on Friday and will post further details on the Meandering In Marin on Tuesdays blog).

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