(*The Mountain Theater - a.k.a. The Cushing Memorial Theater- in Mount

Directions to Trailhead: Take the Stinson Beach/Highway 1 exit off Highway 101. Go west through Tam Valley and up onto the ridge. Turn right onto Panoramic Highway and follow signs to Mt. Tamalpais. Bootjack is about 2 miles past Mountain Home.
As you drive up the mountain, look for the Bootjack picnic area and parking lot ($8/car, $7 for seniors, if you don't have a state park pass) on your right --- if you get to Pantoll at the crest of Panoramic Highway, you've gone too far and need to turn around and drive back down the mountain. (Click here for a map of Mt. Tam that you can view and print out).
Restrooms at trailhead and lunch stop. Driving time from College of Marin: 55 minutes. Carpoolers meet at Greenbrae Park & Ride Lot at 9:00 a.m.
Weather forecast: Dick Jordan is still on vacation in Canada, so click here to get the weather forecast for the hike).
More on this hike: Hike "B12 Bootjack - Rock Springs Trails" in the Martins' book, Hiking Marin, shows the trails we'll take. (Click here to view a copy of the Mount Tamalpais State Park brochure; the park map on the last page shows the trails).
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