Saturday, December 15, 2012

Laguna de Santa Rosa

It's 30 degrees in Santa Rosa at 7 a.m. morning, so what should you do?

Go on a tour of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, of course! Only smart folks would stay snugly wrapped up in a warm bed, instead of getting up at 5:30 a.m., chowing down breakfast, and then driving an hour to hike in freezing temperatures.

That's what Dick Jordan, his wife, and their friends Megan (SPAWN and the River Otter Ecology Project and her husband, Terrence (EAC) did on Saturday, December 15th. The tour of this part of the Santa Rosa Plain and its oak woodlands was put together by the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation and LandPaths. Dick and his group saw kites, red tails, turkey vultures, and buffleheads.

This video gives you an overview of the area:

To reach the Laguna de Santa Rosa trailhead, take Highway 101 north to Santa Rosa, then head weset on Highway 12 toward Sebastopol. The parking lot for the trailhead is on the right, just past "Pete's Automotive" and a Chevron station. (Portapotty in the parking lot; flush toilets at the Chevron station.)

Dick's advice: Go in the spring when you'll find vernal pools and warmer weather!

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