Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Rebels With A Cause" Screening (Fri., 2/28)

If you missed seeing Rebels With A Cause, a documentary by filmmakers Nancy Kelly and Kenji Yamamoto about how a cast of "local heroes" preserved tens of thousands of acres of land along the coast north and south of San Francisco, when it was screened at the 2012 Mill Valley Film Festival, you can catch it this Friday, February 28th, at 7:00 pm at the Tamalpais Valley Community Center, 203 Marin Ave., Mill Valley; 388-6393; www.tcsd.us. Admission is free.

One of the "stars" of the film is Dick Jordan's long-time friend, Amy Meyer, who along with the late Edgar Wayburn and "a cast of thousands," was responsible for creation of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. You can read a review of the movie on Dick's Website, Tales Told From The Road.

Here's the film's trailer.

(Click here if the movie player window doesn't appear in your e-mail message.)

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