Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Hot Time at Camp Taylor

Yesterday's hike in Samuel P. Taylor State Park (aka "Camp Taylor") gave us a bit of a respite from the 90-plus temperatures throughout Marin County yesterday.

 Although it was still warm (probably well over 80 degrees) on the shaded sections of the trails, particularly after lunch, the weather was mostly tolerable for hiking.

But there was one snag: A redwood tree that had fallen across the Pioneer Tree loop trail that left no good way to continue uphill.

Our choices were: 1) Crawl under it like a snake since there wasn't enough room to do so even on hands and knees: 2) walk around the uphill root end, impossible due to steepness of the bank; 3) try to sneak around the top without falling into the dry creek bed; 4) stepping on a smaller tree downed when the redwood fell and then traversing creeping or walking up the redwood until it was possible to do a butt-slide off it and onto the trail.

(Click here if YouTube player does not display)
In the end, everyone managed to use Method #4 to get past this trail hazard and finish the pre-lunch hike.

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