Friday, May 9, 2008

"Final Exam" Rock Spring Hike (May 13) Preview

Here's what Wendy says about our last of the session hike from Rock Spring in Mount Tamalpais State Park:
"We could see coral roots (a native orchid), meadow rue, and golden banners on this mostly shady loop hike. Bring a plate and utensils (think green and bring re-useables not disposables), and food to share for the Gourmet Exam". (As usual, Dick Jordan will post Wendy's "What We Saw" list after the hike).

If you've mislaid the directions to the trailhead, here's how to get there:

From Highway 101 southbound, take the Stinson Beach/Highway 1 exit. Go west on Highway 1 and wind around a lot. At the top of the ridge, turn right on to Panoramic Highway and continue to the 4-way "crossroads". Take the middle road to Mt. Tamalpais. Continue along this road for 5-6 miles. At the Pantoll Ranger Station the road divides. Take the upper road for about 1 mile. The road divides again. This is Rock Spring. Park here. (Driving time from College of Marin, 55 minutes. Outhouse at the trailhead and mid-way).

The Martin's Hiking Marin trail guide includes the following hike and trail map for this area, although we may be taking a slightly different route than that for their hiking, walking on some of the other trails and fire roads shown on their map:

(Click here to view and print out the hike details and map from the Martin book. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer you can print the document. Once you see the document on the "Scribd" Web site, click on the "Download" icon and then on the "PDF" icon to open the document on your computer).

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