Monday, April 12, 2010

Correction to On-Line Version of Dick Jordan's Sitka Story

Turns out that the L.A. Times on-line version of Dick Jordan's Sitka story cut off the first and the second paragraph which appeared in the print edition.  This was probably due to a computer snafu.  Here's the way the story should have started out:
"The small red plastic sign on the wall behind the Avis car-rental counter set off alarm bells in my brain: 'A cleaning fee may be charged due to fish smell or having animals in the car or trunk!'
"Now I understood why the heads of long-dead animals adorned the walls of Sitka’s airport terminal and why all those men on the flight from Seattle wore plaid wool shirts. People come to southeast Alaska to kill things. I lost interest in fishing long ago. I get my meat from the market rather than gunning it down in the woods. The odd man out, I had come to eat salmon and halibut, shoot photos of wildlife and listen to classical music."

The on-line version has been corrected and appears at:

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