Saturday, August 21, 2010

More on Caring For Wendy

An update from Bill Dreskin:


All is under control.  I think easiest system for keeping track of those who have volunteered and signed up for a four hour shift is simply for Karin to keep a current hard copy calendar of volunteer help sign ups and for me to have an updated help calendar also.  Then when they call Karin or me, or email Karin or me, we will update our calendars and know what is still needed.  I think an online sign-ups system will be too complicated, unnecessary, and difficult to keep it "in real time" and current.


Dick, please post on your Tuesday blog that they are not necessarily four hour shifts but simply whatever a volunteer would like to do whether it is an hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, whatever. Thanks!


I will continue to send emails about Wendy's progress directly to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Meanderers and others.  Thanks for also posting updates on your Tuesday blog.





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